Birds and Blooms of the 50 States by Anna Branning, Mara Murphy, Dutch Door Press
Birds and Blooms of the 50 States by Anna Branning, Mara Murphy, Dutch Door Press PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This enchanting tour of America's most cherished birds and flowers is an intimate collection of lovely images from beloved letterpress studio Dutch Door Press. Each state's emblematic flora and fauna are paired in winsome vintage-inspired compositions and accompanied by fascinating facts about the states, the plant and animal species, and how they came to symbolize their regions. From the quail and poppy of California to the bluebird and rose of New York, every page of this volume offers a visual treat filled with charm and nostalgia. An exquisite tribute to a sweet tradition, Birds & Blooms of the 50 States is perfect for Mother's Day gifting and year-round good cheer.From reader reviews:
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