It's Almost Here! by Dwight L. Martin
It's Almost Here! by Dwight L. Martin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
THE WORD IS IN ... Israel's future is past. The Christian New Testament Church is Israel. The Church is the fulfillment of Old Testament Judaism. There is no urgency or even necessity for the U.S. to become energy independent. Roman Emperor Nero was Revelation's "Antichrist." Islam's ultimate goal is universal peace and justice. Since Christ's resurrection and ascension the Church has been experiencing the "Millennium." Rapture of the Saints is a figment of the imagination. God is too good to eternally condemn anyone. The entirety of humanity will ultimately be saved because the proclamation of the Gospel will finally overcome all the evil and corruption in creation. All will be well. Think good thoughts. Be happy. The statements made in the paragraph above are either distortions of Biblical truth or whimsical nonsense, which this book on prophecy was written to expose to the 21st Century.From reader reviews:
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