PDF⋙ Rendering with mental ray and 3ds Max (Autodesk Media and Entertainment Techniques) by Joep van der Steen, Ted Boardman
Rendering with mental ray and 3ds Max (Autodesk Media and Entertainment Techniques) by Joep van der Steen, Ted Boardman
Rendering with mental ray and 3ds Max (Autodesk Media and Entertainment Techniques) by Joep van der Steen, Ted Boardman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Create stunning renders of your 3ds Max models in mental ray with this concise guide. Learn all of the essential concepts such as indirect illumination, materials, render options, shaders, and lighting. Rendering with mental ray and 3ds Max, Second Edition is now revised to cover Autodesk Revit and special effects. The companion website includes all of the necessary project files from inside the book.From reader reviews:
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