PDF⋙ Business Valuation and Federal Taxes: Procedure, Law and Perspective by David Laro, Shannon P. Pratt
Business Valuation and Federal Taxes: Procedure, Law and Perspective by David Laro, Shannon P. Pratt
Business Valuation and Federal Taxes: Procedure, Law and Perspective by David Laro, Shannon P. Pratt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Praise for Business Valuation and Federal Taxes Procedure, Law, and Perspective Second Edition"The Honorable David Laro and Dr. Shannon Pratt present a comprehensive primer on federal tax valuation controversies that will benefit both tax practitioners (attorneys and CPAs) and valuation practitioners. . . . It serves as a valued reference source and an introductory text for legal and valuation training."
—Roger J. Grabowski, Duff & Phelps Corp. from the Foreword
"[I]t is refreshing to see these two close observers of valuation issues collaborate on this intriguing volume. What the reader gets is something like a mural—depicting the life of a business appraisal from conception to preparation to the occasional ultimate use by a trier of fact."
—Ronald D. Aucutt, Esq.McGuireWoods LLP, from the Foreword
"This offering from Judge David Laro and Dr. Shannon Pratt fills in some persistent gaps in the business valuation literature, as well as a surprisingly fresh treatment of perennial themes."
—John A. Bogdanski, Professor of LawLewis & Clark Law School, from the Foreword
Straightforward guidance and perspective on business valuation from two of the nation's top authorities
Written by Senior Judge David Laro and Shannon Pratt, both leading experts on the subject, Business Valuation and Federal Taxes, Second Edition provides a comprehensive overview of business valuation procedures.
The new edition offers:
Insightful perspectives of personal versus enterprise goodwill
New materials on transfer pricing and customs valuations and how recent markets have affected both the income and market approaches
Timely coverage of FAS 157 and its many changes to penalties and sanctions affecting both taxpayers and appraisers
Exploration of new court cases
Presenting knowledge and guidance to those who perform valuations as well as those who are affected by them, Business Valuation and Federal Taxes, Second Edition is the essential guide to federal taxes and valuation, and specifically valuations relating to business interests.
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