LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies by Donna Serdula
LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies by Donna Serdula PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Optimize your LinkedIn profile—and get resultsYour LinkedIn profile is essentially a platform to shape how others see you, highlight your abilities, products, or services, and explain how your work impacts lives. Yet many people simply copy and paste their resume and expect job offers and networking opportunities to start rolling in—but that isn't how it works. LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies shows you how to create a profile that enhances your personal brand, controls how others see you, and shapes a successful future for your career.
Whether your goal is job search, branding, reputation management, or sales, people are Googling you—and your LinkedIn profile is more often than not their first point of contact. With a focus on who you are, the value you deliver, and the culture you cultivate, the profile you'll create with the help of this guide will make that first connection a positive one—giving you a better chance to see results.
- Create a powerful LinkedIn profile
- Discover your personal keywords
- Showcase your experience and accomplishments
- Be seen on the world's largest professional social network
You never get a second chance to make a great first impression, and LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies helps to ensure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.
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