Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry III: Volume 8: Compounds of Group 10
Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry III: Volume 8: Compounds of Group 10 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This volume reviews the theory, preparation, properties, reactions and applications of group 10 organometallic compounds. Each chapter concentrates on either Nickel, Palladium or Platinum and examines the different complexes formed with various types of ligands. It provides a clear and comprehensive overview of developments since 1993 and attempts to predict trends in the field over the next ten years. Like its predecessors, COMC (1982) and COMC-II (1995), this new work is the essential reference text for any chemist or technologist who needs to use or apply organometallic compounds.
* valuable content available May 2009 as an individual volume * separate volumes will appeal to a wider chemistry and materials science audience * priced for individual researcher as well as library purchase
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