Monkeys (Our Wild World) by Deborah Dennard
Monkeys (Our Wild World) by Deborah Dennard PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Our well-respected and long-running Our Wild World series takes on primates! In these four new titles, kids will learn what makes each of these unique animals so special. Each begins with a brief section on what makes a primate a primate, including taking a close look at their opposable thumbs and toes. Detailed information on habitat, diet, breeding, babies, socialization, dangers, and life cycles is included, highlighted by full-color photos and Fun Facts throughout. Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Monkeys, and Orangutans each provides an exciting opportunity to understand the fascinating lives of these primates. For research or enjoyment, young readers will turn to these kid-friendly books again and again.From reader reviews:
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