Murder & the 1st Lady by Elliott Roosevelt
Murder & the 1st Lady by Elliott Roosevelt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
86130 (4 cassettes/5.5 hours). Copyright 1984 by Elliott Roosevelt. P 1986 by Recorded Books, Inc. Unabridged. Narrated by Frank Muller. "I am, I guess, an oldfashioned person, and naive, but I had no idea that such places existed," said Mrs. Roosevelt sitting between the two policemen in the shady Kit-Kat Club. Her hair was wrapped in a turban and she w2.s wearing big dark glasses. "Indistinguishable from Miss Greta Garbo," remarked the Chief of Detectives. "A perfectly wonderful book; it reminds you why people used to say the name in italics Eleanor Roosevelt," New York Daily News. Eleanor Roosevelt, the President, Edgar J. Hoover: the major players are all there "in the life". Around the celebrities, the plot thickens..." (from backcase)From reader reviews:
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