MOUNTAIN GEOMORPHOLOGY (Arnold Publication) by Phil Owens, Olav Slaymaker
MOUNTAIN GEOMORPHOLOGY (Arnold Publication) by Phil Owens, Olav Slaymaker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Mountains represent one of the most inspiring and attractive natural features on the surface of the earth. Visually, they dominate the landscape. However, the increasing realization of the fragility of mountain areas because of changes in land use, management and climate, combined with an understanding of their importance for water and other natural resources, has resulted in a growing interest in mountain environments in recent years. Hence, Mountain Geomorphology represents a timely and unique contribution to the literature.Written by a team of international experts, this book is divided into three sections, which consider historical, functional and applied mountain geomorphology from both global and local perspectives. Historical mountain geomorphology focuses on the evolution of landforms. Functional mountain geomorphology emphasises the interaction between processes and landforms, while applied mountain geomorphology concerns the interrelationships between geomorphological processes and society.
Mountain Geomorphology is a valuable source of information for students studying mountain geomorphology, and also for academics and research scientists interested in mountain environments.
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