Moon Metro Washington, D.C (Moon Metro Series)
Moon Metro Washington, D.C (Moon Metro Series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The exciting new Moon Metro series delivers the all details that well-heeled urban explorers need to find the hottest sights, the hippest restaurants, the coolest entertainment, and the most stylish hotels in select US and international cities. Featuring a sophisticated design and smart writing by local authors, these books offer a wealth of information in a compact, easy-to-use package. Moon Metro guides are equipped with discreet, functional, fold-out maps that are perfect for anyone who's loathe to stand on a street corner reading a map the size of a mainsail. Now readers don't have to simply visit a city - they can make it their own with Moon Metro. Features the city's most memorable sights, including the White House, Arlington National Cemetary, the Corcoran Gallery of Art and Ford's Theater; Suggests venues, from the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts to trendy Georgetown clubs - for enjoying live music; Offers a wide range of restaurant choices, from funky to formalFrom reader reviews:
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