Speculator (High Ground) (Volume 1) by Doug Casey, John Hunt
Speculator (High Ground) (Volume 1) by Doug Casey, John Hunt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"Move over John Galt and Humphrey Bogart, Speculator has created an old-fashioned hero with contemporary style and sex appeal. Expert cicerones lead us through the dark world of African mining and international finance. It is a riveting tale, perfect for a day at the beach or a long-winter's-night read. Pure gold." --Richard Harteis (Author of Marathon and Publishing Director of Poets-Choice.com)"The greatest gold discovery in history draws a young Charles Knight to West Africa, where he unearths deception, violence, and romance. Xander Winn--a Dutchman on his own mission--mentors Charles on his voyage into the world of speculation and African politics. But a psychopathic rebel leader, the purveyors of a six-billion-dollar fraud, a team of mercenaries bent on early retirement, and the US government all get in his way. Everyone wants him dead. But Charles plans to strike it rich.
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