PDF⋙ Sonography: Introduction to Normal Structure and Function, 4e by Reva Arnez Curry PhD RDMS RTR FSDMS, Betty Bates Tempkin BA
Sonography: Introduction to Normal Structure and Function, 4e by Reva Arnez Curry PhD RDMS RTR FSDMS, Betty Bates Tempkin BA
Sonography: Introduction to Normal Structure and Function, 4e by Reva Arnez Curry PhD RDMS RTR FSDMS, Betty Bates Tempkin BA PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Without a thorough knowledge of the appearance of normal anatomy, you may have a tough time recognizing abnormalities in ultrasound images. Get a firm grounding in normal anatomy and physiology from an ultrasound perspective with Sonography: Introduction to Normal Structure and Function, 4th Edition. The new edition of this highly visual introductory text presents a wealth of ultrasound images, accompanied by labeled drawings with detailed legends, to increase your comfort with normal anatomy as it appears during scanning. Its consistent chapter format makes the content easy to navigate and reinforces the discipline of following a standard protocol to scan each area of the body.
- Detailed line drawings accompany most sonograms to explain what you should notice on each scan. If you do not see the structure, or are uncertain of it on the image, you can look at the diagram for confirmation.
- Over 1,500 images provide a thorough, visual understanding of sonography.
- Consistent organization with a standardized heading scheme helps you when searching for information.
- Content on quality control protocols in the clinical setting shows you how to recreate the most optimal scanning settings and techniques.
- Evolve resources provide you with additional learning tools.
- NEW! Full 4-color design incorporates color images within the appropriate chapter to help you understand the concepts without having to flip to the front of the book - and highlights the important points within each chapter.
- NEW! Three all-new chapters bring you the most up-to-date information on fetal echocardiography, laboratory values, and ergonomics.
- NEW! Updated sonograms demonstrate the latest and best images from the newest equipment, including 3D and 4D images.
- NEW! Expanded Test Bank, with new questions for each chapter, provides 1,000 questions on the material.
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