The Outrage by Michael Kopiec
The Outrage by Michael Kopiec PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Misha was a Holocaust survivor, but his story is unlike any you've ever heard. The child of a WWI cavalry officer, he was a rare Jewish graduate of the military academy of Poland, and his first command put him on the German border at the moment of the Nazi invasion. He survived the blitzkrieg only to find soon afterward that tens of thousands of retreating Polish soldiers were about to be trapped. Their only hope was a suicide mission whose objective was to delay the lightning advance of Nazi forces. Volunteering to lead that mission, Misha's group was successful, but he was the only known survivor. So begins the incredible story of a person who survived not because he hid successfully, was included on a list, or happened to be in the right place at the right time. This is the story of a man who survived despite repeatedly being in the wrong place, at precisely the worst possible moment. Raised to be a man who would never compromise his humanity, when Misha became convinced the world was abandoning his people and his family to Nazi genocide, he didn't run or hide, but declared personal war on the Nazis as he struggled to save the ones he loved.From reader reviews:
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