PDF⋙ Becoming a Disciple-Making Church: A Proven Method for Growing Spiritually Mature Christians by Neil T. Anderson
Becoming a Disciple-Making Church: A Proven Method for Growing Spiritually Mature Christians by Neil T. Anderson
Becoming a Disciple-Making Church: A Proven Method for Growing Spiritually Mature Christians by Neil T. Anderson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Proven Methods for Turning Believers into DisciplesWhat does it mean to grow a "convert" into a "disciple"? And how do we help our people get there? Neil Anderson's Freedom in Christ ministry has been walking individuals through these steps for over a quarter century. Now he turns his attention to pastors and church leaders, teaching them how to help their people resolve personal and spiritual conflicts, including everything from difficult marriages to unrepentant sin to church disputes.
Before someone can mature spiritually, they must be established alive and free in Christ through genuine repentance and faith in God. This means churches must resolve their people's conflicts as the first step to discipleship, rather than referring them to professional counselors. We as believers have the answers for mental and emotional problems, and through this ministry of reconciliation true discipleship happens.
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