My Girragundji by Meme McDonald, Boori Monty Pryor
My Girragundji by Meme McDonald, Boori Monty Pryor PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
BOORI MONTY PRYOR: AUSTRALIA'S CHILDREN'S LAUREATE 2012-13'I wake with a start. The doorknob turns. It's him. The Hairyman.'
There's a bad spirit in our house. He's as ugly as ugly gets and he stinks. You touch this kind of Hairyman and you lose your voice, or choke to death.
It's hard to sleep when a hairy wrinkly old hand might grab you in the night. And in the day you've got to watch yourself. It can be rough. Words come yelling at you that hurt.
Alive with humour, My Girragundji is the vivid story of a boy growing up between two worlds. With the little green tree frog as a friend, the bullies at school don't seem so big anymore. And Girragundji gives him the courage to face his fears.
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