PDF⋙ Theology, Ethics and Metaphysics: Royal Asiatic Society Classics of Islam (Royal Asiatic Society Books)
Theology, Ethics and Metaphysics: Royal Asiatic Society Classics of Islam (Royal Asiatic Society Books)
Theology, Ethics and Metaphysics: Royal Asiatic Society Classics of Islam (Royal Asiatic Society Books) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This collection of classic works, originally published under the auspices of the Royal Asiatic Society, includes an introduction by Professor Edmund Bosworth, and a preface by Professor Anthony Stockwell. Primary texts include works by F. Rosen, W.F. Thompson, C.E. Sachau, R.A. Nicholson, W.H.T. Gairdner, W.M. Miller and J. Robson, spanning over 100 years of oriental scholarship.From reader reviews:
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